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The Children’s Center at Purchase College serves both as a child care facility and as an academic resource for the students and faculty of the College. In its role as an academic resource, the Center is often the site for research done by, or under the supervision of, Purchase College faculty.

All research conducted at the Children’s Center requires parental consent, approval by the Human Subjects Committee at Purchase College, and approval by the director of the Children’s Center, Dr. Pat Amanna. Dr. Amanna judges the appropriateness of procedures, the coordination of the observations with the children’s schedules, and whether the children will need an initial period of familiarization with the researcher.

Research at the Children’s Center is done in accordance with the ethical standards of the American Psychological Association. Written parental consent for the child’s participation in any research project is requested except when:

  • The observation is part of a class assignment.

  • The observation is unobtrusive and takes place during normal activities of the Children’s Center without any intervention on the part of the observer.

In all cases, the child and family’s confidentiality is protected; the child’s name does not appear in any report of the results of the project. Parents and children may always refuse to participate or withdraw before completion of the study. Parents may request a summary of the results of the study when it is completed.

Sample of Student Research

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